Saturday, June 7, 2008

Spilled Milk

What do you do with spilled milk? Well, after blaming yourself for being so clumsy, you wipe it off and forget about it and consume the rest of your drink. Right?

A few weeks ago, I just had to make one of the toughest decisions in my life that may affect my future career and that's already spilled milk. It's done and I'm supposed to be moving forward. But for some reason, most probably because of my fickleness and not being able to stick to my choices at most times, I'm still wondering about what to do with the puddle of milk before me. Lick it off? Eewy. Put it back into my glass? Even more eewy.

I would like to say that I do not regret the decision, but let's not be hypocrital. There are times when I want to change my mind and take back what I said. But that's too late for that now. But there are times when I feel I didn't lose anything anyway and I'm still in a good position (with a bright future) after all that happened. But whenever I think of the spilled milk.. I feel.. sayang. My friends would slap me back into reality if they could while telling me there's nothing left to do but stick to the choice I made. But I can't help but think of the what-ifs, the what-could-have-beens. How do you not think about those anyway?

Boyfriend shared this thought nugget with me while I was ranting to him about my situation:

In life, we will make some good decisions and some bad ones. But whatever choice we make, God gave us the capability to make it right.

Or something like that. Makes sense right? Galing talaga ni boyfriend :P Only time will tell if I made a good or bad decision. But whatever it will be, I am in the position to make it right now. And I will make it right. I have yet to learn how not to think about the what ifs.. because really, that's all they'll ever be: what ifs. And I will be wasting precious time and effort thinking about it instead of pouring all my energy into making my decision right. So, every morning, I just have to repeat to myself: good or bad, make it right. good or bad, make it right. good or bad, make it right. Until I forget about the what-ifs and learn to appreciate what I have now. Spilled milk is spilled milk. Just wipe it off.

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